Oh My Gosh, I Hit A Wall

by | Jun 5, 2015 | Quantum Creation and Manifesting

Oh my gosh, I hit a wall this week.‏

My house is turned upside down.

Do you remember the serene photos of my home in Costa Rica with the ocean view? You wouldn’t recognize this place. All our stuff from the U.S. arrived!

Instead of descending into overwhelm, I felt blessed to spend time with my private and group clients.

One client told me, “I feel so in the flow in my life. Everything is working perfectly. And we hit 46K in revenue this month. And my love life is progressing!” Her business generated more in the past 5 months than ALL of last year.

Oh gosh I hit a wall 2Another client has shifted into clarity and confidence about her gifts. Her dream is to design wedding gowns. What’s so cool is that after we created the energetic pattern to manifest her desire, a local wedding shop called her up interested in her designs. She spent the last 5 days creating a custom dress.

For another client, within 2 weeks of joining  A-Life Academy, she manifested receiving A-list recognition for her work at a major exhibition in her industry. But what is best, she is feeling so much more joy and confidence and shifted around charging for her services.

My clients get results fast because as we clear their blocks to resonate energetically with their dream, they quickly manifest their vision.

Here’s why I’m sharing this:

My 3-step Manifesting Formula is the easy way.

If you are one of those people who absolutely wants to manifest your dream this year and you are ready to be catapulted into success, here’s what I’m going to do.‏

I’m opening up my calendar for a few of you tomorrow, click here to schedule a 15 minute Laser-Certainty Session with me.

You are worthy of dreaming big. You are deserving of realizing your vision. You are designed to experience inner peace.

And it can takes years. . . or it can take months, sometimes even weeks.

If you are one of those people who absolutely wants to manifest your dream this year and you are ready to be catapulted into success.

You need the energy of certainty to realize your results. There are limited spots available tomorrow.

We’ll set up a step-by-step plan to acquire the certainty that you will realize your dream in 2016.
You are a perfect candidate to jump on the phone with me if:

1. You are coachable.
2. You take responsibility for what shows up in your life.
3. You are committed to doing what it takes to make your dream a reality (including investing in coaching if that is the next step)

I can’t wait to hear from you.

Much love,


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