5 Tips to Shift Your Income Today

by | Apr 15, 2013 | Success Strategies

Write down your Daily Focus and Aim.
It is an indisputable fact. If you accompany a burning desire with persistence and action, you will manifest your success. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich interviewed the most successful men and women of his age. They all shared this common denominator. Manifesting our desires is not wishful thinking. Thoughts become things. It is up to you to carve out the time and focus to create.

Successful people who manifest wealth and success are 3% of the population. The only difference between them and the 97% is that the successful share a burning desire and persistent focus.

Who do you want to be? Don’t complain about what is not happening in your life. Focus on your heart’s desire. Take inspired action everyday. Here are 5 tips to shift your income today.

Delete any talk about lack and scarcity.
Your thoughts and words are especially powerful, especially when you fuel your thoughts with feelings. You cannot afford to talk about lack. Honestly! You cannot afford it. Where ever we put our thoughts and feelings, it magnifies and manifests in our life.

If we spend time talking about how tough the economy is, guess what? We are going to experience a tough economy. The Universe is infinitely loving and merciful. God loves us. He also follows universal laws because he is a God of Order. If you continue to harbor the belief that the economy is going through a tough time, the Universe obliges you and obeys your command.

Re-frame your Present Reality in a Positive Light.
If you must talk about your experience, you don’t need to lie. But you must be intentional by ending on a positive note. For instance, if you are caught in the middle of a storm, do you believe there is no sun? The sun is shining above you, brilliantly. But you cannot see the sun right now. You do not doubt the sun’s existence. You are simply experiencing the storm and know that it will pass.

If people ask you, “How’s business?” Do you want to call attention to your lack of clients this week? Instead, say “Business is going great. I’m a little disappointed because a couple prospective clients have not called me back. But I am learning from this experience as I clear space for my ideal client.” Or don’t discuss it at all.

Or declare with confidence: “My business is getting better and better each day.” You are not lying. Universal abundance is shining brilliantly. Your experience is just a little clouded right now. When the storm breaks, you access abundance.

Last night, my children spoke of all the things they were grateful for, including what they wanted to create. (It’s a great activity while driving in the car). My son expressed his gratitude for the snow.There wasn’t a cloud in the sky (and no snow), but I encouraged them to practice manifesting.

Wouldn’t it be wonderful if we have snow? No attachment. Well, this morning, we woke up with a beautiful snowfall. I just wasn’t expecting it so soon. I’m grateful for my children’s faith and how God supports us as we practice co-creating with Him.They did not doubt whether snow could manifest. They simply expressed a desire, accompanied with faith.

Write down all the miracles in your life.
If what you pay attention to grows, pay attention to your miracles. A powerful practice is to keep a daily gratitude list. Write down five daily miracles and watch the miracles accumulate.

Cease the Jealousy.
If you are envious of another’s success, you subscribe to a belief in scarcity. That means you do not trust that your Creator has wonderful miracles awaiting you. If I feel envy, I don’t judge myself. The envy signals my inner desire. But I also know to release the envy block through energy healing and prayer.
Expect the Miracle.
If you have:

  • Written down your Daily Focus and Aim
  • Read it morning and night
  • Prayed to know with certainty that your request is aligned with God’s will,

Then, expect the miracle.

Ask and You Will Receive.
It is quite simple really.

Plug in Your Desire Through Energy Healing Work
There are numerous modalities, such as EFT and Simply HealedTM, to help us accelerate our progress in creating our dreams. We have so many tools out there to help us create the life of our dreams.

If you would like assistance in clearing the blocks standing in your way, you can join The Prosperity Shift Program. The monthly group session starts April 16th at 2 pm Eastern.

Go to The Prosperity Shift Program to join.


  1. Stephanie Treasure

    I so loved this article Tera. It spoke volumes to me on so many levels. #1 – I am currently re-reading “Think and Grow Rich”. #2 – Lately, when making prospective client calls, I have been pulled into “The economy is so bad right now” conversation. I didn’t know how to deal with it, but to just participate and concur. #3 – I am constantly thinking of ways to get my son to think positive and the gratitude game you mentioned is perfect! #4 – I have been looking at videos on YouTube about EFT/Tapping recently and thinking about incorporating it into my manifesting.

    Thank you so much for sharing this article. Great points and tips to follow-up on/implement.

    • Tera

      Thank you, Stephanie. Let me know how you do with EFT. It’s amazing the resources we have in this world to help us shift!


  2. Carmen Johnson

    Tera – love that you bring God into the whole conversation!!! I love the exercise of writing down what we are grateful for and the Daily Focus – Take Aim..Knowing what we are doing is aligned with God’s will for us…now that’s a powerful motivator! Thank you so much for sharing your insights!

    • Tera

      Awwww, thank you, Carmen for your thoughts! I’m glad you liked it…

  3. Jess

    Yes, I love it. Thoughts do become things, and I love your phrase “You can’t afford to talk about lack.” It really is true and a powerful way to remind ourselves to do what we have to do to shift out of negativity, even if all we want to do sometimes is pout!

  4. Robyn

    I really enjoyed reading this, I got out my pen and paper and started making a gratitude list and asked myself who do I want to be. I felt a gentle push/nudge to move forward with my project. I loved what you wrote about re-framing, expecting miracles and jealousy/envy. I mostly loved that God was included in this, that’s probably where I felt that push/nudge from. Thanks for such a great article!

  5. Diane Marie

    Great points you make Tera. I practice gratitude daily and expect miracles every day. Being aware of what I think, feel and say is so important for me in gauging what I am focused on and what is showing up. Thank you for sharing with us.

  6. perla

    Tera, this is really wonderful. I would like to share in my blog to down the road. Thank you for teaching and reminding. Mabuhay-LifeLightLove, Perla

  7. Rebecca Bailey

    This is such a great post, Tera. Thank you for these tips. I especially like the phrase that we can’t afford to come from a place of lack. It’s so easy to slip into that mindset instead of recognizing the miracles. Any suggestions on how to gently coach a life partner into this positive way of thinking?


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