3 Quick Steps To Get Back Into The Flow

3 Quick Steps To Get Back Into The Flow

Watch this video! You will walk away with 3 quick steps to get back into flow. Watch through to the end.  You don't want to miss the 5 minute energy clearing to help you release the blocks to living in flow. Last week was a disaster! Thankfully, it was only in my...

Resistance vs. Living in the Flow: The Secret to Prosperity

Resistance shows up--- It is disguised as the reason (you tell yourself) you are where you are now---not where you want to be. Steven Pressfield in The War of Art puts it best, "Most of us have two lives. The life we life and the unlived life within us. Between the...

Using the Law of Attraction to Shift

How can the Law of Attraction work when you are stressed about paying the bills? Are you wondering where the next pay check is coming? The next client? Are you frustrated with the familiarity of not enough, despite your hard work? Have you cleared your blocks to...
