Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

I am so grateful for my work. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to work with clients who experience major shifts— breaking through their money ceiling, taking the leap to pursue a new career, healing the rifts in their relationship. So, I want to ask you something......

Get More Clients: 7 Tips to Mastering the Law of Attraction

Get Clients Today You want to get more clients through the door. But all the best strategies to network, increase leads, and close sales are useless if you are not energetically aligned with your desire. You understand the Law of Attraction and attempt to manifest...

Visioning-Your-Success Party

What does it mean to be financially successful? Are you living and breathing that success at this moment? It is a Universal Law that everything manifested in the Universe must be created spiritually first. As you may know, I am launching my free video training Your...

Debunking Hype on Energy Work – Part 2

I have owned my Mac notebook for almost 5 years, it has worked splendidly, but just recently it started slowing down. Soon, I will hand my computer to an Apple technician who can clean it up, remove any bugs and unnecessary clutter, and provide clean pathways so my...
