Feeling Your Way to Success

by | Jun 15, 2013 | Success Strategies

If you had everything you wanted in your life today, how would you feel? Worthy? A Success? Validated? 

Usually, someone answers, “I would feel worthy. I would feel validated. I would feel like I did something with my life. I would feel fulfilled. I would know that I was a success.”

I remember thinking, if I just earned my college degree, I would feel worth it. I wanted to obliterate the shame from mistakes in my past. That somehow, another degree would mean that I was a success.
A few degrees later, I discovered that my feeling worthy had nothing to do with credentials or earnings.

However, it is crucial to get clarity on these feelings so you can manifest what you desire.

Here’s a tenet of Success 101 and The Law of Attraction:

The truth is, your willingness to feel these feelings of worthiness, abundance, or success right now will accelerate your ability to manifest your desires.

When you think about it, you may not be able to conjure up one million dollars in the bank today. But no one is stopping you from feeling like you own a million dollars. Your ability to feel prosperous, worthy, loved, and respected is completely accessible.

Feel and Be a Success.

For example, I have worked with many clients who are in the middle of a job search. Being laid off and the uncertainty of unemployment can affect one’s self-esteem. Together, we release the negative energetic residue of past resentments, doubts, and fears. The client re-connects to her confidence and amazingness.

It was not surprising when a recent client attracted multiple job opportunitites. When you radiate positivity and confidence, people are attracted to that energy.

I am a success.

Carolyn Cooper’s Simply Healed method combined with my Visioning-Your-Success method is so powerful in accelerating life transformations. I cut to the root of a problem and excise the energetic weed like a prudent gardener.

Confession: in real life, I am not good at gardening. I am too impatient! But that impatience motivated me to develop a shortcut to accelerating one’s path to prosperity. I am humbled to facilitate this transformation in others.

If you could completely release your blocks that are holding you back, what would your life and your experience of prosperity be like today?

So here’s the question for today: if you could have what you really wanted today, how would you feel?

Leave a comment below and let’s go deep in the conversation to facilitate a shift.


  1. Teresa

    I don’t believe I would feel satisfied if I had everything I want unless I was able to also give to others. Giving would be from emotional support, life guidance, support of some sort, even monetary comfort in the time of need.

  2. Tera

    That is the nature of wanting, I suppose. We always want something else . But truly, the purpose of this exercise is to bring your current desire into your reality. And it could certainly include the joy of giving or supporting someone close to you .

    When I say, “have everything you want.” I really mean those desires of your heart that are aligned with your soul’s purpose.

    My point is that we can feel good, even before we realize our Heart’s desire.

    Thank you for your comment, Teresa. To bring happiness, our desires must be linked to a grander purpose, I believe.

  3. Nancy

    I would feel happy and fulfilled that I have finally found my passion and purpose. I would feel relieved to stop spending my time searching and instead spend it serving, feeling truly energized and taking action.

    • Tera

      Nancy, thanks for sharing your thoughts. How can you start feeling this way now? That is the million dollar question because if you can do this, you actually shift into prosperity.

  4. lilytemmer


    The first word that popped into my mind was ’empty’. I would feel empty if I had everything I wanted. I asked my husband how he would feel if he had everything he wanted, and he said, ‘Bored.’ I think we need therapy!

    • Tera

      Thanks, Lily. I think I should change the wording to: If you had what you really wanted, how would you feel?

      In other words, if we would feel peaceful, if we were thriving financially, there is nothing stopping us from feeling peaceful now.

  5. Gayle

    I was blown away by the responses Tera. As an Emotional Life Coach I teach Law of Attraction based therapy all the time and it helps me stay on my own path. I understand that wanting is sometimes associated with greed and its important for people to undersand that even if they manifested everything they wanted today, there would be so much more to manifest by wanting tomorrow and the next day and the next.
    I have found that everyone needs that bit of encouragement to know that they deserve as most of us were not brought up thinking we do. I have also found myself, that when things aren’t going as I want them to and I have resistance happening, it is often helpful for someone you can trust to show you where they can see a rock in your stream of Wellbeing.
    Most people are just after that feeling of relief, a breathing space and to know we can all be remarkable in our own way anytime we choose.

    • Tera

      So true, Gayle. I think this discussion can trigger old stuff for us. We are so programmed that it is bad to want.

  6. Roger

    I enjoyed your question. It dawned on me that I have not really, really, really been clear about what I want in life. The list’s created in the past have felt more like wish list’s. I will order the book Simply Healing and see if that open’s any portals of the mind. Thank you for the thought provoking journey. (-:

    • Tera

      Hi Roger, I am glad you liked this discussion. There is such power in getting clear on our vision. You are most welcome. –Tera


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