I’m on a road trip with my family. We are driving from Laguna Beach to the mountains near Park City, Utah. I feel so grateful to take a month-long vacation with AJ and the kids. I have learned to follow my heart-yearnings and work with energy to manifest these desires. And sharing our love of the mountains & my ancestral pioneer roots with my kids has been part of this dream.
You can absolutely realize your desire. It takes simple tweaks to get results. I wanted to share with you the words of my VIP client Melinda Perry.
Read on because it will inspire you to know what is possible for you to follow your dream.
Much love, Tera

Melinda Perry, Designer
I found Tera after asking the universe to find me someone that could really help me – that felt right for me – to learn about manifesting my greatest desires. My yearning to reach my goals had become so strong that I was open to whatever- whoever showed up in my life in response.
I am a dress designer & maker – I have always loved drawing, designing, making things with my hands and sewing. I know I am ultimately called to help bring about a deepened respect for our natural world through my designs. It is also a nod to recognizing that we deserve beautiful things in our lives. I felt it was time – that I deserved to make this my full time business and prosper from it, so this became a large part of my vision in working with Tera.
Since beginning my journey with Tera I have learned to focus my mind so much more on my desires, how to commit to them and most importantly, I have a much deeper faith in myself and my ability to realize my dreams. My life is becoming easier, I am living more on purpose and I am loving what is showing up in my world as a result of these changes. And, it is getting better and better! – I know my vision is on course to being realized.
The clearest example of the miracles that occur happened a couple of months ago. I contacted a regional bridal magazine to sign up for their bridal fair. Some time later, the owner contacted me asking if I had a dress that they could borrow as a last minute replacement to appear in a styling shoot for their upcoming issue. I didn’t – as I’m predominantly made to measure – but I knew it could be a really good opportunity for publicity – so I asked if it would be ok to make one for them. My first lot of fabric had just arrived that morning! She was very accepting, trusting, and excited even! She’d never even seen one of my dresses! And so I had five days to create a wedding dress out of very limited resources – what an opportunity and a challenge – and what a promotion!
I would absolutely recommend working with Tera. I jumped with absolute surrender to what I felt was a huge financial commitment. My ego was screaming ‘no’ but my heart knew that it was the best next step for me. I am so grateful and very glad to myself and Tera for this journey. Tera is a powerful healer in her own right and the most impressive thing about working with her is learning my part in the creation process – learning to walk my dream path. Don’t we all want that?
Melinda Perry, Designer
Melinda Perry Vintage Couture