How to Connect to Your Inner Guidance System

by | Mar 3, 2014 | Uncategorized

mmmToday I am going to share with you a technique to help you stay connected to your inner guidance system.
Check out the video below, or you can read on.

When you check in with your inner guidance system, you’ll know EXACTLY what decision to make.
I was having a conversation with a friend the other day, and she was saying how she marvels at me because I am able to take one big leap after another. This is where the REAL GROWTH happens. That’s how you create ABUNDANCE and realize your dreams and your vision. By taking one big leap after another big leap.



I want you to ask yourself, are you willing to take a leap?
Are you willing to go BIG? Are you willing to follow your dreams? Are you willing to get the support that you need? Because when I take leaps, I have a support system. I have a mentor. I have that INNER GUIDANCE. I know with absolute certainty that if you have this support system around you, success is inevitable. This doesn’t mean that you are not going to make mistakes. You will. But you WILL achieve success.

This past week, I was faced with a really difficult decision.
I had this really great opportunity that I really wanted to do and would have created a lot of abundance. But when I connected to my inner guidance system , when I prayed about it, I realized it wasn’t the right decision for me. This could have been the best opportunity worth hundreds of thousands of dollars. It didn’t matter. My heart contracted.

When I thought about another decision, I felt that sense of  peace.
I felt that sense of my heart expanding. Feeling this calm, I knew this was the right decision for me. I know that if I take these steps, I am fully supported. I know that my Father in heaven in there for me leading the way.

I share this with you because YOU have access to that same inner guidance system. When I made that decision to align with my vision, I finally felt that sense of peace and calm.
Today I want to share with you a form of energy testing. By learning this technique, you will be able to make the right choice when faced with a difficult decision. Check out my video above and let’s do it together. Then, share your results below. 


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