Confession: Most mornings, I am knocked helter skelter off my natural rhythm, as I muster the energy to set my house in motion. As a momma of young children, I dimly recall the luxury of rising out of my bed at a normal hour, such as a civil 7 o’ clock. So recently, I caught myself spinning a cycle of negative thoughts, as I complained to my husband, the early riser–a trait my children must have inherited from him–: “Mornings are such a struggle for me!”
Looking for sympathy, I started to describe the disconnections in my brain, along with my daily litany of momma challenges, when I halted. My husband, Mr. Optimism, grinned at me knowingly, as if he caught me in “The Act.”
“I know. I know.” I admitted. “What am I creating?” I am an energy coach and lifelong student of success principles. As as mother, I knew my attitude set the rhythm for our family’s day. Yet how could I shift this pattern?
Before children, I ran several miles every morning. My endorphins circulated through cerebral tissue like a brain massage. I showered, ready to embrace the day. But now, my husband left early for a long commute. And I was left to manage the sometimes capricious, younger members of our family without my proven methods of self-care.
That night after prayers, I lay in bed and imagined a new morning: I awake feeling refreshed and cheerful. I relish the early morning cuddles. We speak kindly to each other. The children dress and eat in a timely manner. The morning routine flows effortlessly.
intuitive healer,intuitive healing,alternative energy healing,Simply Healed, Simply HealedTM, Carolyn Cooper
For good measure, I cleared through Simply HealedTM any attachments to struggling in the morning, particularly any martyr or victim energy, falsely associated with being a good mother.
The next morning, I felt a shift in my disposition! I shared the good news with my husband. “What happened?”, he asked.
“I made an effort to control my thoughts!”
I can’t report that every morning is perfect, but just before falling asleep, if I remember to visualize what I want to create the following day, my brain is an amazing asset, always willing to help.
We just need to remember to ask!
Thank you for reminding me how to stand up and walk out of my history.