Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

I am so grateful for my work. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to work with clients who experience major shifts— breaking through their money ceiling, taking the leap to pursue a new career, healing the rifts in their relationship. So, I want to ask you something......

How to Not Live Your Purpose

How to Not Live Your Purpose

2014 is finally here. And it's time for a wakeup call. Are you living your purpose? Some of you may not know this about me, but I spent my twenties as a stripper. So I know exactly how to NOT live my purpose. To hear more about my story, click on the video below. I...

Why You Aren’t Getting Results

Here's why you aren't getting the results you really want: As I was writing today, my eyes strained to see. I gazed above at the high arching ceiling in my family room. 3 lights had burned out. Only 3 lights remained. Someone (aka my husband) needs to replace these...

Not Closing Sales? Why Sales is Like Making Love

Sales is like making love. Forgive the metaphor. But my hope is that if you see the connection, you can connect better in your sales conversation and enroll your ideal clients. The sales conversation (and closing sales) hinges on your ability to make a meaningful...

10 Reasons to Live on Purpose

I spent years as a compulsive overeater and overspender. It's curious. When I started to really plug into my purpose, those "isms" just slipped away. I don't eat mindlessly to fill that gaping hole inside me. I don't go to Nordstrom to dull that craving for something...

The Secret to Handling Overwhelm

The Secret to Handling Overwhelm

The Secret to Handling Overwhelm  How do you shift from struggle to living in the flow of abundance? What is the secret to attracting more money, more clients, more joy, more love, and/ or more harmony in my life? The secret to manifesting abundance is the same secret...
