Why Procrastination Is Your Enemy

by | Aug 27, 2018 | Success Strategies

Hi, read this if you know you are here for a greater purpose:

Whether you are currently enslaved in a job, or sprinting on a treadmill in your business, working so hard to achieve your goals, but continually falling short.

⭐️You crave impact & influence, Yet you are stuck in a loop.

What’s standing between you and your dream Is YOU

It shows up as:

  • Procrastination
  • Perfectionism
  • Or busy energy
  • And it distracts you from birthing your dream into physical reality now.

Here’s what I observe:

❌There is a mindvirus in our society that minimizes Procrastination as a harmless character trait.

Yet PROCRASTINATION KILLS… Every time we declare a desire and put it off, we are dying a tiny death… We alienate ourselves from our truth & our power.

Every time we delay stepping into our greatness, there are lives at stake… human lives destroyed from sex trafficking, wars, crime, poverty, famine, abuse, and racial injustice.

All violence stems from disconnection from our Higher Selves.

And the thing is… There is a solution.
It comes from Divine connection…
and I am not talking about an intellectualized spirituality.

I am referring to a knowledge so profound & embodied that it is evident in the results that show up on your life.


I believe we can create a heaven on earth.
It is here already…
And it starts within.

As you learn how to master Conscious Reality Creation, you become stewards of our heaven on earth. Yet that cannot happen if you are making excuses for yourself blaming your current reality on your lack of time, your spouse or kids, not enough money or a health challenge.

I know it can be painful to admit this.

Yet in owning this truth We will awaken to our power as Divine Beings.

I am on a mission to assist 1,000,000 lightleaders to breakthrough the blocks to inner freedom because as we become masters of our dream and in turn, serve our tribes, we create a critical mass that shifts this planet.

I know the insidious pain of living well beneath my potential. For years before I discovered energy work, I was so familiar with the frustration & shame of self-sabotage.

I muscled my way through graduate school on pure self-determination. I did it. But I was exhausted.
I knew that positive thinking was not sufficient when I carried so much emotional & ancestral baggage around.

But as I studied energy healing and applied it to my life, I began to breakfree from the old stories, wounds, and emotional triggers. It was easier to make empowering decisions.

Energy work was a gift!

Yet I saw so many energy healers still struggling in lack. 

Likewise, as I built my company, I was in a community of other women entrepreneurs. We followed the same business strategy.

Why did I create a 6 figure business in 7 months when it took my peers 3 years?

Drawing upon my gifts in studying patterns, I developed the Conscious Reality Creation MethodTM, which addressed the gaps I saw in mindset coaching, energy work, and life coaching.

As I applied my own medicine to my life, I peeled off the layers of the ego.

I learned how to master creating my reality. Awakening in my dream. And here, I discovered freedom.

I applied this method while working with our clients. They multiplied their income, healed their relationships, improved their health & vitality, and most importantly, connected deeply to their Higher Selves.

I am grateful for our clients. What joy to witness their returning to who they truly are…
Yet I was only scratching the surface..,

I asked:

How could I realize my vision of empowering more leaders to learn how to master creating a life and business they love?

I felt compelled to deliver this message:

Thus, the Conscious Reality Creation™ eBook was written.

I am sharing my exact method:
How we created our dream life in Costa Rica.
How we built a business, family, & thriving health
Aligned with our vision.
Not from overworking but from with ease and flow.

In this Ebook you’ll:

Walk away with my signature 6 Steps to Manifesting your dream into the physical

  • Understand the gaps that are repelling abundance
  • Gain clarity about your next step
  • Connect deeply to your intuition
  • Discover how to manifest at an accelerated rate
  • Acquire the map to becoming awake, fully awake in your own dream.

It will demystify all the Law of Attraction teachings. Why the Law of Attraction sometimes doesn’t seem to work. I’m sharing this so you can make swift corrections to get the results you desire in your life.

And I’m excited to announce the eBook is here.

It is my gift to you, if you want it.


                                                                                                                          Much love,

P.S. Remember, you absolutely can live your dream now.


And if you are feeling it, please share this with your friends.
Let’s spread this message like wildfire
The time is NOW.
This is how we awaken the planet.

Tera Maxwell,PhD.
Chief Visionary @Teramaxwell.com
Founder of the Affluence Method


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