The water leaked all over the floor!
Ok. It’s not a true disaster, but the incident made me think about you.
On schooldays,
I prepare lunch for my kids. My four-year-old loves to help me. Yesterday, my son’s lunch was prettily prepared in a Bento box with a cloth napkin.
Yet by the time my boy stepped into the car, the lunchbox was leaking water everywhere. Water dripped onto the car mat.
I unzipped the soaked lunch bag. I arranged all the lunch items on the driveway. The thermos leaked. I had not screwed the lid on properly.
What does a leaking thermos have to do with your ability to create affluence?
Your affluent life is 90% dependent upon your mindset.
By mindset, I mean your beliefs, thoughts, and thinking habits and patterns.
A weakness in your mindset causes leaks in your ability to receive abundance.
Imagine yourself as this magnificent container.
Abundance is all around you. You are being showered upon by opportunities, ideas, and connections, financial and otherwise. But when you have leaks in your mindset container, you cannot receive all the abundance the Universe has to offer you.
Your feeling deserving and worthy is getting in the way!
Patch up your mindset. Shore up the leaks in your thought patterns. Clear the blocks. And your ability to create affluence skyrockets.
Your actions reveal your depth of your commitment. I am challenging you to say YES to your affluent life. Carve out the time in your busy schedule.
Commit today.