We are creators, born in the image of our Divine parents. And yet, we often fail to recognize our inherent power to create. Some people think that the Law of Attraction is the teaching of the devil. Or that at best, it is just magical thinking. But these people fail...
3 Tips to Shift the Money Blues
How do you shift the money blues? How do you react when unexpected expenses or adversities crop up? Are you a pro at maintaining prosperity thinking? Last week, my husband noticed water dripping from our upstairs shower. We called the plumber right away. The next day,...
Confession of an Energy Healer
Confession of an Energy Healer As an energy healer and SimplyHealed practitioner, I do energy healing on my family and me everyday to maintain optimal energy. But I was encountering a challenge. I possess the passion and energy of fire. When I lashed out in anger (and...
5 Simple Approaches to Tackle Procrastination
Why do we procrastinate? Confession: even as I write this post, I am putting off another task, co-editing an anthology. When we procrastinate, we avoid a task that nags. We shrug off the habit as benign. But did you know that procrastination ages our bodies by eight...
5 Simple Ways to Identify and Remove Blocks
Do you procrastinate on an action that could yield big rewards? Unwillingness to change could signal an underlying block. Blocks prevent us from standing fully in our own Light. Yet blocks also represent a potent area for transformation because the resistance masks a primal fear of our own greatness.
Debunking Hype on Energy Work – Part 2
I have owned my Mac notebook for almost 5 years, it has worked splendidly, but just recently it started slowing down. Soon, I will hand my computer to an Apple technician who can clean it up, remove any bugs and unnecessary clutter, and provide clean pathways so my...