How to Center and Come Home

How to Center and Come Home

Today's Monday tip is coming from my hotel room in LA overlooking Wilshire Boulevard. I've been traveling the past week to San Diego and Los Angeles. I just wanted to take a moment and share with you a technique I recently learned from my dear friend Ruth Holmes. This...

How to Connect to Your Inner Guidance System

How to Connect to Your Inner Guidance System

Today I am going to share with you a technique to help you stay connected to your inner guidance system. Check out the video below, or you can read on. When you check in with your inner guidance system, you'll know EXACTLY what decision to make. I was having a...

The Three Components to Success

The Three Components to Success

 “Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.” - Steven Pressfield At some point in our lives, we have all dealt with sickness. Our bodies are actually designed to...

What Lovemaking Can Teach You About the Law of Attraction

We are creators, born in the image of our Divine parents. And yet, we often fail to recognize our inherent power to create. Some people think that the Law of Attraction is the teaching of the devil. Or that at best, it is just magical thinking. But these people fail...

Why You Aren’t Getting Results

Here's why you aren't getting the results you really want: As I was writing today, my eyes strained to see. I gazed above at the high arching ceiling in my family room. 3 lights had burned out. Only 3 lights remained. Someone (aka my husband) needs to replace these...

Tell Tale Signs of Energy Vampires and How to Protect Yourself

Halloween delights us as we poke fun at what might normally frighten us. The vampire is a mesmerizing archetype, who feeds off the blood of living humans and shuns death. But we don't have to be celebrating Halloween to be exposed to vampires. Energy vampires are...

Coding for Success

In an interview with Darius Barazandeh, Dr. Alex Loyd, Ph.D., N.D. who discovered the Success Codes, offers a startling outlook on the self-help industry. According to Dr. Loyd, only 3% of participants in the self-help industry are truly successful. He calls it the...
