Hello, Pre-Pregnancy Body!

As an Energy Intuitive and Coach, I had worked on my releasing my blocks to a healthy, slender body and increasing my metabolism. But it wasn’t until the past month that I realized: the resistance to releasing the weight was inextricably tied to deep-seated fear. I was afraid of losing weight. Subconsciously, I told myself that to be a successful Energy Coach who helped and inspired others, I had to return to my ideal weight. I was afraid about stepping up and creating a thriving practice where I served as the go-to expert in my field. I was afraid about being accountable for what I knew and needed to share.

The Science behind Energy Healing

Throughout the ages, new ideas are rejected because it challenges accepted orthodoxy. But eventually, the unconventional becomes conventional knowledge. Interestingly, energy healing is an ancient idea, and it’s time to recuperate what the indigenous and the ancient world knew long ago. The health of our society and our planet depend upon it.

Coding for Success

In an interview with Darius Barazandeh, Dr. Alex Loyd, Ph.D., N.D. who discovered the Success Codes, offers a startling outlook on the self-help industry. According to Dr. Loyd, only 3% of participants in the self-help industry are truly successful. He calls it the...

Debunking Hype on Energy Work – Part 2

I have owned my Mac notebook for almost 5 years, it has worked splendidly, but just recently it started slowing down. Soon, I will hand my computer to an Apple technician who can clean it up, remove any bugs and unnecessary clutter, and provide clean pathways so my...

Debunking Hype on Energy Work- Part 1

Debunking Hype on Energy Work- Part 1

Mention in casual conversation, "I do energy work," and many people shoot me a wary look, as if I mentioned meeting outer space aliens or working for the IRS. But we tune into energy all the time. When a distressed friend calls you on the phone, and you feel knots in...
