5 Tips to Shift Your Income Today

Write down your Daily Focus and Aim. It is an indisputable fact. If you accompany a burning desire with persistence and action, you will manifest your success. Napoleon Hill in Think and Grow Rich interviewed the most successful men and women of his age. They all...

Get More Clients: 7 Tips to Mastering the Law of Attraction

Get Clients Today You want to get more clients through the door. But all the best strategies to network, increase leads, and close sales are useless if you are not energetically aligned with your desire. You understand the Law of Attraction and attempt to manifest...

How to Identify and Clear Blocks to Success

It is not often enough that we honor and affirm how amazing we are. We spend so much time flirting with negative mind chatter. Yet it diminishes the light within us. It wasn't so long ago that I hid behind my fears. I was stone-cold afraid of moving forward in life....

How to Get Unstuck: 3 Simple Tips

Are you feeling stuck in your life? Despite your best efforts, do you still face the same challenge? Are you ready to move from feeling stuck to unstuck? Getting unstuck can be easy. It requires a simple shift, if you follow these tips to free up your energy: 1) Write...

Warning: How Obama and Romney May Be Harming Your Health

This week, I watched the presidential debate with my husband. Afterwards, I scanned Facebook to observe my friends’ reaction to the political contest. The emotions most noticeable included anger, sarcasm, self-righteousness, incredulity, and blame. And I considered...

Shifting into Prosperity

My website offers a complimentary download of a group energy session on Creating Financial Abundance. Funny thing, I felt a shift listening to the recording of my own session. Honestly, I didn’t expect that, since after all, I was the present during the live energy...

Seize the Day by Shifting Your Thoughts

I can’t report that every morning is perfect, but just before falling asleep, if I remember to visualize what I want to create the following day, my brain is an amazing asset, always willing to help. We just need to remember to ask!

PhD in Overcoming Self-Sabotage

I know first-hand, what it is like to feel overcome by limiting beliefs, thoughts, and behaviors. I know what it is like to feel stuck, to have an inkling of one’s potential, but feel unable to reach it. But whatever story you tell yourself about why you are the way you are, it is just a story, and not even the True Story. The truth is that you have unlimited potential and are of infinite worth (if I may paraphrase the late Stephen Covey). And my mission is to help clear the mental and emotional clutter, so you can Live your Truth.

Coding for Success

In an interview with Darius Barazandeh, Dr. Alex Loyd, Ph.D., N.D. who discovered the Success Codes, offers a startling outlook on the self-help industry. According to Dr. Loyd, only 3% of participants in the self-help industry are truly successful. He calls it the...
