NEVER ENOUGH Was a false program that fueled my life as a kid. If I got straight A’s, If I was “righteous” in the church of my youth, If I earned awards, I hoped to gain my dad’s (and God’s) approval. 🙏 As an adult, NEVER ENOUGH showed up As perfectionism. Or...
Why Procrastination Is Your Enemy
Hi, read this if you know you are here for a greater purpose: Whether you are currently enslaved in a job, or sprinting on a treadmill in your business, working so hard to achieve your goals, but continually falling short. ⭐️You crave impact &...
Are You Doing Too Much?
You post your smiles. Yet you hide behind a mask of success. Your desire to LOOK GOOD Runs you. And it is exhausting. You cover up the incongruency in your life Not because you are lying to others. You are mostly lying to yourself. Ignoring the misalignment in your...
The Myth of “I AM ENOUGH”
[Read this Activation] "I am enough" drove my quest to get a PhD. I sought to overcompensate for the shame I felt for my past: I was a stripper in my twenties. When I returned to school at the age of 28, I hid behind the facade of the straight-A student and later,...
The Three Components to Success
“Our job in this lifetime is not to shape ourselves into some ideal we imagine we ought to be, but to find out who we already are and become it.” - Steven Pressfield At some point in our lives, we have all dealt with sickness. Our bodies are actually designed to...
#1 Tip to Create Success
The # 1 secret to creating success in your life. It's the habit that separates the amateurs from the pros. The 6 minute video includes an energy-clearing exercise to master this habit.
5 Secrets to Success
Sometimes people ask me: What are the secrets to success? They see that I catapulted from a business newbie to a successful entrepreneur on track to hitting the yearly six-figure mark in rapid time. My secret to success: energy work and a rockstar business strategy....
Feeling Your Way to Success
If you had everything you wanted in your life today, how would you feel? Worthy? A Success? Validated? Usually, someone answers, “I would feel worthy. I would feel validated. I would feel like I did something with my life. I would feel fulfilled. I would know that I...
Unlocking the Secret to Prosperity: Part 1
What if financial prosperity were really within arm's reach? Unlocking the secret to prosperity requires mastering 5 simple keys to manifesting abundance. What is stopping you from experiencing true prosperity? Most likely, you need to develop in one or more areas....
Are You Committed to Prosperity?
Your experience of prosperity is directly related to your commitment to your vision. If you are feeling financial struggle, you lack clarity on your vision. I know that sounds harsh. But once we let that sink in, we are in a position to shift. Too often, we blame...