If You Have The Fear Of Playing Big

If You Have The Fear Of Playing Big

This morning I sat on my surfboard, and cried. Shedding tears of disappointment, feeling powerless over recent challenges, asking for acceptance, surrendering my will to Divine will. And I thought: Man, this sucks! I knew that the depth of what I was experiencing was...

How to be in money flow

How to be in money flow

Money follows the flow of energy. If you believe in lack, so it is. If you believe in affluence, so it is. And any moment, you get to choose. Can you choose to live in abundance even when the numbers in your bank account speak otherwise. Can you command your reality...

It’s Our Anniversary

It’s Our Anniversary

20 years ago, AJ & I drove up a snowy mountain to get married. We eloped. Skipping the expensive wedding The bride & groom entourage The wedding decorations, Even the bridal gown. It was just us. Our choice to commit to a life together. We gave our vows to...

I Slipped Off An 8 Ft Ledge!

I Slipped Off An 8 Ft Ledge!

I slipped off a ledge. It was a silly mistake. I was in the jacuzzi with AJ and friends immersed in deep conversation. Not wanting to disturb them, I thought I’d hop in from the side of the spa. But my brain did not register there was no floor to support my foot.So I...

Are You Listening With Your Head Or Heart?

Are You Listening With Your Head Or Heart?

I cut this video for you at a beautiful resort a short distance from my house. Check it out. Many of you asked me--how can I connect more deeply to my Higher Self? How can I tell the difference between my Higher Self or my mind? How can I know? Unless you can...

Do You Feel Rich?

Do You Feel Rich?

You are wealthy. You are abundance. You are blessed. Notice what thoughts come up for you as you read this? What are the rituals you practice daily that help you remember these truths? I share a favorite morning ritual that plugs me into the vibration of abundance....

A Tale of Not-Enough-ITIS

A Tale of Not-Enough-ITIS

4 years ago, I invested in a coaching program. Within 7 months, I  arrived!  I achieved the 6 figure golden grail of every newbie entrepreneur. I felt unstoppable. Yet I still had not completed the inner work to HOLD the money. Even though ironically, I was teaching...

How To Shift Out Of Struggle

How To Shift Out Of Struggle

What in your life is causing you angst? What is the main challenge.you are dealing with? Struggle is the birth canal of opportunity. And as soon as you can see the GIFT, you can shift. Read on, if you would like to know how. A tragic bicycle accident changed my life....

How to Stay in Flow around Toxic Loved Ones

How to Stay in Flow around Toxic Loved Ones

Last week, I rubbed up against an old childhood wound.  I thought it was healed! After all, I release blocks everyday. But here it was, raw and angry, slapping me in the face again, on the wake of a family drama during my last summer visit to California. Abandonment,...

How To Get Back Into Living In The Flow

How To Get Back Into Living In The Flow

The other day I felt like I lost my flow. It was a jam-packed day. We were rushing. My husband loaded our bikes on the back of the SUV to take to the bike shop to get our tires repaired. But on the drive to the soccer field, the tire disengaged from my road bike. We...
