#1 Success Question to Ask Yourself

#1 Success Question to Ask Yourself

I believe it is in our spiritual DNA to stretch. Unless you are stretching everyday, every week, you are stuck in atrophy. We are designed to progress. So here's #1 Success Question to Ask Yourself: Are you stretching yourself? Are you taking leaps?  I shared with you...

Here’s Why Affirmations Don’t Work

Here’s Why Affirmations Don’t Work

Mother's Day Weekend was so lovely and relaxing. Friday night, my husband and I dined at the Severn Inn across the Severn River from the Naval Academy. My children showered me with homemade gifts and flowers. The best part was swinging in my neighbor's hammock with my...

Are You Aligned Energetically With Your Vision?

Are You Aligned Energetically With Your Vision?

I”m hanging out in California with my family. In the wee hours of the morning, I created this energy clearing audio for you because I see a common theme. This may be the reason you are not getting what you really want: Are you aligned energetically with your vision?...

Successful Women Who Inspire Me

Successful Women Who Inspire Me

I want to share with you some of the successful women who inspire me. They are persistent, they are go-getters, they don’t ask for permission, and they certainly don’t let their inhibitions, internal blocks and self-doubt get the best of them (and yes they certainly...

The Art Of Living In The Flow

The Art Of Living In The Flow

Last month, my younger brother Jason invited me to go Flowriding and I learnt the art of living. Flowriding requires you to balance on a board while riding the water. The fun looks easy, but that is deceptive. The balancing act is not like snowboarding or surfing. You...

The Real Secret to Creating Affluence

The Real Secret to Creating Affluence

The water leaked all over the floor! Ok. It's not a true disaster, but the incident made me think about you. On schooldays, I prepare lunch for my kids. My four-year-old loves to help me. Yesterday, my son's lunch was prettily prepared in a Bento box with a cloth...

What Are Your Patterns Costing You?

What Are Your Patterns Costing You?

Last week, we had a little scare at my home. My 7-year-old injured his head at school. When I picked him up, my heart contracted a little. His face sported a cut across his left cheek. His bottom lip, scraped and swollen. The school had alerted me earlier about the...

The 5 Ingredients to Achieving Certainty

It’s a snow day in the middle of March. I’m sitting by the fire, and my kids are sipping almond amaretti tea sweetened with German rock sugar. And yes, I forgot, they are breakfasting on green bagels with cream cheese in celebration of St. Patrick’s Day! I’m feeling...

How to Center and Come Home

How to Center and Come Home

Today's Monday tip is coming from my hotel room in LA overlooking Wilshire Boulevard. I've been traveling the past week to San Diego and Los Angeles. I just wanted to take a moment and share with you a technique I recently learned from my dear friend Ruth Holmes. This...

Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

Committing to Prosperity, Jill Christensen’s Story

I am so grateful for my work. I can’t tell you how awesome it is to work with clients who experience major shifts— breaking through their money ceiling, taking the leap to pursue a new career, healing the rifts in their relationship. So, I want to ask you something......
